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Programs and Packages

Group Training

Spring session: Tuesday March 3rd to Saturday May 30th


Training Runs

Two weekday workouts - Tuesday and Thursday – 7:00am @ Impact Sports Performance and the 2nd and 4th Saturdays (varying locations near Superior).


Group training plan options*:



*Summer session & fall sessions – registration details coming at a later date.

 **Sign up for membership at Impact and receive 10% off your Running Package and 10% off your Impact Membership, just let us know after you purchase your plan and we will apply the discount later. 

***Impact membership not required


“Up & Running” – 10 week Beginner Training Program

Spring Session: March 2nd to May 9th


Training Runs

Two weekday group workout options at Impact Sports Performance*

Monday 6:30pm and Wednesday 11:00am @ Impact Sports Performance and the 2nd and 4th Saturdays (varying locations near Superior)


*Note: Training program will incorporate 3 runs per week.  To be successful we encourage participants to attend at least one weekly group session.


Group training plan options*:



*Late Starters must have some running fitness and be able to walk/run at least 25 minutes at a time.

**Sign up for membership at Impact and receive 10% off your Running Package and 10% off your Impact Membership, just let us know after you purchase your plan and we will apply the discount later. 
***Impact membership not required 


 Personalized and/or Online Coaching


Contact program director for details


Services include:

  • Initial in person meeting with coach

  • Group workouts led by certified, experienced and supportive coaches

  • Access to Impact Sports Performance facilities pre and post workouts

  • Pre and post run stretch, strength and mobility routines

  • Detailed weekly training schedule

  • Emails and a dedicated Facebook page providing tips and motivational articles

  • Access to coaches in person and on line

  • Special social events to build team unity

  • Supportive training atmosphere for all ability levels

  • Special offers and discounts

  • Child care available during some group sessions for a small fee.




Mission Statement

Boulder Valley Running provides members of all ages and abilities a fun, supportive, inspiring, and educational training experience.  Program draws upon Lydiard TM principles of periodized training and proven research based methods. 



Boulder Valley Running believes that by implementing intelligent and progressive training, one can attain steady and consistent improvement.  Boulder Valley Running believes that each runner has hidden talent that can be developed over time.


Learning Objectives:

  • Fundamentals of training

  • Avoidance of common mistakes and pitfalls

  • How to structure workouts for improved performance

  • How to listen to and tune into your body and adjust efforts accordingly

  • How to distinguish the stimulus stretching your training envelope from the stress of overtraining


Training Structure:

  • Group workouts with an emphasis on teamwork.

  • Organized and progressive workouts allowing for natural development.

  • Each training block progresses sequentially from base endurance work to a sharpening phase and goal events

  • Workouts include mobility, plyometrics, stretching and strength work

Steve and Jill Sellars

Program director and Head Coach

Steve is a Lydiard Foundation Level II running coach and has beenprofessionally instructing runners for many years. He beganrunning competitively nearly 50 years ago and developed a lifelong love for the sport. Steve is a self proclaimed “running nerd”.His philosophy is that each runner has hidden talent that can bedeveloped with intelligent progressive training. Steve believes thatby avoiding common mistakes, each runner can achieve steady andconsistent improvement. As a coach, Steve excels at helpingathletes of all levels and abilities achieve their maximum potential.Steve earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from U Mass Dartmouthand is the founder and co-owner of Flagstaff Surveying, located inBoulder. In addition to running, Steve spent several yearsinstructing martial arts.

Masters Running Achievements (over the age of 45):

10k - 34:15

10 Mile - 59:56

Half Marathon - 1:19


Jill is a Lydiard Foundation Level II running coach and has beeninstructing runners professionally since 2014; mentoring, motivating,and inspiring runners to achieve their individual potential. Like manyof her clients, Jill did not begin running until later in life and as aresult, has a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunitiesafforded the novice runner. Her philosophy is that foundation andconsistency are essential. Learning to “run easy” is a crucial first stepone must take to truly train successfully. Jill strives to make runningfun and hopefully spark and cultivate a lifelong passion for people ofall abilities and backgrounds.Jill earned a B.S. in Health Care Management from Metropolitan StateCollege and spent 27 years as a medical office administrator. Sherecently retired and now works part time in the BVSD as a bus driverfor special needs children.Having raised four wonderful children, Steve and Jill are now recentempty nesters and the proud pet parents of Peanut and Snickers.

Hours of Operation                      
MON – FRI:  5:00 am  –  9:00 pm

​SAT & SUN:  7:00 am  –  7:00 pm



© Copyright Impact Sports Performance LLC

Impact Sports Performance 

One Superior Drive Unit B
Superior, CO 80027


Phone Number: (303) 467 - 2288

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